Compared to many other Aboriginal communities in NSW, those who congregated at Sackville fared remarkably well. Their relationship with the local white community was excellent and many found work and were considered good employees. It was a secluded community beside the Hawkesbury River where they could relax with their own kith and kin. Slowly Aborigines of the Hawkesbury filtered into the “outside world” and were absorbed into white society. Few, if any, relinguished their cultural heritage. Many sought out and married other Aboriginal people. For many years, many kept quiet and hid their Aboriginal background from their white neighbours. The fear of having their children taken away by the APB (later Welfare Board) to be placed into a Home for “their protection” was a powerful reason for remaining quiet. The missionaries helped to smooth the path to their assimilation into white society. (Brook, 1st edit, 63).