Rev Threlkeld is troubled at increasing violence towards Aborigines

Rev Threlkeld is troubled at the increasing violence and hatred expressed towards Aborigines in Brisbane Water District: “The Attorney General…asked my opinion if it would be beneficial, to bring Lieut Lowe to trial for shooting a Black. I urged him not as [if] he was removed this would satisfy the Blacks and the other would only exasperate the Settlers more…But I fear party will bring him to trial as some wish to say it is the private intimation of the Governor [Darling] that they should be shot and no further notice taken of it”. (4 September, LMS Letters, in Blair, 2003, p28) “Lieutenant Lowe who shot his prisoner is now come down again for investigation respecting his conduct – but he will be exonerated – as all the Magistrates here had previously signed a letter thanking him for his conduct in taking upon himself the responsibility of shooting his prisoner while in his safe custody – The whole of the outrages may be traced to this…Many lives will be lost on both sides and the Blacks threaten to Burn the Corn…this will ruin the colony at once”. (11 September LMS Letters, in Blair, 2003, p28)