The rape of Margaret Hansall

Margaret Hansall stated: “I live with Mr and Mrs Lynch, at Sugarloaf Creek…some blacks came to the hut…I told Mrs Lynch to send for her husband, as I thought the blacks were no good; Mr Lynch then came in and some of them shook hands with him; there was a calf just killed; they were offered the head…they refused, and said they would have the whole of it, and they made a fire and cooked…it…another party of blacks that were about the house endeavouring to get in; they then took me forcibly….”

Both Mickey Micky andWattorgin (Charley Muscle) denied this charge. After retiring about half an hour, the Jury returned to the jury box and had Hansall put into the witness box again. She distinctly swore to the identity of Charley Muscle. The Jury then found both guilty. Judge Burton passed sentence of death on both men, to be executed.