Other legislative moves, that reinforce the inequality

Other legislative moves, that reinforce the inequality before the British law that Gooris are subjected to, include a clause in the Publicans’ Act 1838 forbidding the transfer of alcohol to Gooris and a Bill forbidding the use of firearms by Gooris without permission of a magistrate. The latter is not enacted. Debate is also entered into regarding proper payment for Goori labour and the processes of “interbreeding of the races”. Of the latter a response by Bishop Broughton is worth noting : he disapproves of mixed marriages on the grounds that the Aborigines are unbelievers and when the Rev. William Cowper requests permission to marry an Aboriginal woman and an employee of the Australian Agricultural Company at Stroud and to baptize their children, the Bishop allows the baptisms but forbids the marriage. (Reece, 1974: 206)