Returns of Aboriginal Tribes in the Hunter Valley

Returns of Aboriginal Tribes in the Hunter Valley during 1843 records 243 Aboriginal people:

15 of the “Patrick’s Plains Tribe” at Patrick’s Plains (recorded at Singleton, Glendon, Wollombi, Falbrook and Patrick’s Plains),

37 of the “Pages River Tribe” reside at Murrurundi,

2 of the “Peel’s River Tribe” at Murrurundi, 1 of the “Dartbrook Tribe” at Murrurundi,

3 of the “Aberdeen Tribe” at Aberdeen,

4 of the “Gum Flat Tribe” at Gum Flat,

30 of the “Segenhoe Tribe” at Segenhoe,

17 of the “Glendon Tribe” at Glendon,

4 of the “Falbrook Tribe” at Bridgman,

1 of the “Falbrook Tribe” at Mount Royal,

9 of the “Falbrook Tribe” at Tookle,

9 of the “Falbrook Tribe” at St Clair,

2 of the “Falbrook Tribe” at Cedar Brook,

3 of the “Halbiaston Tribe” at St Clair,

1 of the “Halbiaston Tribe” at Bridgman,


105 of the “Munmurra Tribe” in the Upper Hunter at Cassilis. (Summary of Blanket List returns, in Lucas 47-48)