The Hall Family accounts, 1866-1884

December 15. Among the Hall Family accounts 1866-1884 are some records relating to rations and wages paid to Aborigines working on “Lilburndale”. The earliest record is 15 December 1880: “Paid to Shaw 1 pound”, and list of rations supplied to “Shaw” and “Afe”: flour, sugar and tea. Afe or Alfie is the son of a union between William Onus and Martha Everingham

Andy” (Andrew Barber earns 17 pounds on 7 January 1881 and had six pounds three pence deducted for “rations”. (Brook, 1st edit, 16). On 13 July 1883 records show rations are distributed to:

1) Henry Barber

2) T Cox (Tommy)

3) Andrew Barber

4) Will

5) Shaw

6) Boney

Records indicate the Aborigines assisted the Hall family at harvest time: pulling corn. Those involved are Harry and Andrew Barber, Tom Dillon, Tuckernong, Old Charley (Chorley), Young Charley, Tilley, Efffie and Rachel. Other names mentioned beside “rations” and “money advanced” are: Tom Lewis, Tom Twopenny, George, Fred and Peter. (Brook, 1st edit, 15-16). The Hall family (John Smith Hall) holds a Christmas party each year for his black friends.