Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Executive Committee consists of: President: Cindy Berwick, Vice President: Christine Foreshew, Treasurer: Megan Widders, Secretary: Jennie McKenny. The NSW AECG continues to offer support to all NSW schools in matters to do with Indigenous education issues. Delma Davison goes on working for the NSW AECG as a Liaison Officer after many years of Aboriginal education work. She begins as an Aboriginal Education Assistant and later achieves her Bachelor of Education. Lyn Stewart a descendant of Bungaree also begins her career as an AEA and now works out of the Stanmore NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group office as an early childhood consultant. (V17 ‘In a white man’s world you gotta be better than them’) (V35, ‘Probably, some day, it would be good if we weren’t here’)