La Perouse population integrated into Housing Commission

Randwick Council recommends that the Aboriginal population at La Perouse be “integrated into the adjacent housing commission development”, because the housing on the reserve is of a poor standard. Charles Leon reports that the La Perouse Aborigines are strongly opposed to Randwick council’s proposed plan and demand that it develop, instead, La Perouse as a modern housing estate for Aborigines.

Meanwhile, the AWB (Aborigines Welfare Board, successor to the Aborigines Protection Board))has begun to demolish some of the older huts on the La Perouse reserve as they become vacant and to threaten families with eviction for non-payment of rent. The Kooris fear the Board’s intention is to drive them off their land in order to help Randwick council open up the reserve for white residential development. Goodall, p 323.

  • Ray Kelly and others at La Perouse - 1960s
  • La Perouse Mission
  • La Perouse mission