Topics: Environment

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South Coastal - view

The farm was abandoned by 1880 due, local geographer, Robert Haworth believes, to a slight rise in sea levels which made the soil too saline

West - view

“We hope to be a big positive influence on the country.”

South Coastal - view

Pam remembers gathering oysters, all gone now, “stripped”, and getting fish from local fishermen

South West - view

Aboriginal science, unlike Western science, has always highlighted the importance of connections

South Coastal - view


1789 - North West - view

yams in “greatest plenty” on the marshy banks

1796 - West - view

yam beds

1804 - South Coastal - view


1804 - North Coastal - view

An increase in number of conflicts when the “maize was ripe”. Farming has largely prevented access to the river for food gathering for the Aboriginal people. Many are starving. The Koori view of life is that food is there to be gathered, in one’s own country, and the ripe corn has replaced the wild daisy yams that have grown on the river banks. Many farmers use Aboriginal labour to help them gather crops but fail to pay them adequately for their work. If Koori people cross farmers’ land they are liable to be shot at. Governor King hears testimony from three Koori men that if they can retain certain places on the lower Hawkesbury, they will be satisfied and not in trouble the farmers. King rashly assures them that no more settlements will be made lower down the Hawkesbury – north-coastal country. ( Historical Records of New South Wales , vol 5, p. 513)

1809 - South Coastal - view


1810 - North Coastal - view

Koori diets are already affected by the scarcity of fish in the harbour. To compensate, people are beginning to use European foodstuff.

1810 - South Coastal - view


1814 - South Coastal - view


1814 - South West - view

time of drought

1816 - North Coastal - view

Five more areas are set out as agriculture reserves for Aboriginal people. These people are to receive seed, tools, stores and clothes and are given convicts for six months to help with cultivation.

1816 - South Coastal - view


1816 - South Coastal - view


1820s - North Coastal - view

Northern Sydney clans are in decline due to dispossession of their land and removal of their access to the food traditionally gathered by the sea. The Koori birth rate decreases. Paintings of the period show Koori people with grog bottles and fighting, existing on charity in the streets of Sydney. Alcohol has tragic consequences in illness and mortality

1820 - South Coastal - view


1821 - West - view

alienated lands that lack good soil, follow the arable soils