Topics: People: Community leaders
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2006 - South Coastal - view
Pamela Koenamon
2006 - South Coastal - view
Shirley Murphy
2006 - North West - view
Debbie Barwick
2006 - North Coastal - view
Nancy Hill Wood is an Indigenous elder and a member of the Stolen Generations, Nancy is Chair of the Sorry Day Committee and lives on the Northern Beaches.
2006 - North West - view
NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce
2006 - North West - view
Les Elvin
2007 - North West - view
Dianne O'Brien
2007 - North West - view
Bob Williams
2007 - South Coastal - view
La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council
2008 - 2009 - North Coastal - view
Notable work is done by hard working Indigenous members: Julie Hendicott, Lois Birk, Caroline Glass Paterson, Eliza Pross, Cliff Lyons, Courtney Lyons, Ian Raymond, Paul Shaw and Lana Shaw, Natalie Taylor, Albert Torrens, Sarah Torrens, Emma Lowrie, Eddie Goodall, Caitlin Lawton and others.