Topics: Environment
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North West - view
Barbara Grew describes the fight to protect a local art site and the land and community from the proposed expansion of the Calga sand mine
South West - view
traditioinal stories that teach of the near and distant past
South Coastal - view
The farm was abandoned by 1880 due, local geographer, Robert Haworth believes, to a slight rise in sea levels which made the soil too saline
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Pam remembers gathering oysters, all gone now, “stripped”, and getting fish from local fishermen
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Aboriginal science, unlike Western science, has always highlighted the importance of connections
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South Coastal - view
whales were migrating
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good lobster hunting time
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polluted Cook’s River
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trail bikes had destroyed bush
South West - view
quicksands that have disappeared due to development
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Auntie Frances also discusses how these permanent waters are being depleted
West - view
At the headwaters of the Grose River, Chris Tobin , a Darug man, describes what is happening to this land and desire to re-habilitate and build there and create a “more earth friendly” way of living back on his ancestors’ land.
North Coastal - view
South West - view
a fire mitigation plan
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circumnavigating increase areas
North Coastal - view
sacred sites