Topics: People: Other: North West

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“Tuggerer Beech Tribe”

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“Old Jacky’s Tribe”

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Kut-ti-run (“Little Breeches”, later known as William Bird)

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“Big Swamp Tribe”

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John Macdonald

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William Cape

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1829 - view

Abraham, Bobbery, Ireland, Jack Jago, Dick, Beana, Jack Brown, Joe Craft, Sydney Joe, Freeman, Yamyam, Nambo, Jewfish, Mullet, Jerry Purcell, Dumpty’s, Jack, Bunghino, Tom Jones, Jack Jones, Young Banghema, Hughy, Charly White, Yamma, Raeldy, Joe Craft’s Boy. Females: Sophy, Kitty, Carbonmary, Little Mary, Baghena’s Gin, Kimbo, Rose, Chougley’s gin, Nelly, Ireland’s Gin, Mullet’s Gin

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Alfred William Morrow Settree

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Stephen Coxon

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Mary Ann

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Adam and Eve

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Jimmy Booridi, Monday and Bungery

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