Topics: People

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Central - view

Allan Duncan

South Coastal - view

Auntie Pamela Young

South Coastal - view

Auntie Pamela Young, ranger

West - view

Uncle Gordon Briscoe

West - view

Chris Tobin

West - view

Auntie Carol Cooper

West - view

Auntie Carol Cooper

North West - view

Todd Osland

North Coastal - view

Dennis Foley

North West - view

Sarah Shuttle

Central - view

Gordon Syron

Central - view

Fred Maynard

Before Cook - North Coastal - view

Bennelong was a Wangal and his clans land spreads from Balmain along the Parramatta River to Parramatta.

Before Cook - North Coastal - view

Colby was a Cadigal from South Head to Warrane (Sydney Cove).

Before Cook - North Coastal - view

Community Elder Lois Birk gives an acknowledgement of country at the Northern Beaches Annual General Meeting of the Aboriginal Education Consultative Group: We acknowledge that we are on Guringai country at Stoney Range Reserve, Dee Why. We will listen to each other. We walk softly and gently and pay homage to Indigenous people of all nations. We respect the spirits of this place.

1750 - 1769 - North Coastal - view

Bungaree’s parents born in Brisbane Waters or nearby country.

1764 - South Coastal - view


1764 - South Coastal - view


1765 - North West - view

Wallati (“Woll aje”)

1765 - South Coastal - view
