Topics: Environment

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1830 - South West - view


1832 - South Coastal - view

swampy Botany Bay

1833 - Central - view

Balls Head

1833 - Central - view

Lavender Bay

1834 - Central - view

South Coast of NSW

1834 - Central - view


1834 - North Coastal - view

Attacks on farms by Koories on Central Coast continue. 16 Koories caught and imprisoned in a watch house for robbery.

1836 - North Coastal - view

76 land grants on Central Coast. The pastoral boom of 1830-42 is encouraging land speculation. Koori people are now sometimes working for settlers for no pay but receive some protection and supplies of food.

1837 - Central - view

Duck River

1837 - Central - view

Kissing Point

1837 - Central - view


1837 - Central - view

Duck River

1837 - Central - view

Kissing Point

1837 - Central - view


1838 - North Coastal - view

A Legislative Council Select Committee is established to report on the conditions and numbers of Aboriginal people in Sydney. The Committee finds a desperate plight of many Koories from alcohol, hunger, disease and misery. No action is taken.

1839 - North Coastal - view

Letter to the Editor, Sydney Gazette . Sir, the death of an aborigine on Wed last on the North Shore in open bush, induces me to enquire whether the Protectors of Aborigines have taken any measures to discuss and attend to cases of sickness amongst the black population in the neighbourhood of these towns where the police and medical establishments afford so many facilities. The poor creature “Whippem-up” or Newton … lay for some days with no shelter from the late rain storms under some sugar bags. He was attached to the Bungaree Tribe having originally been brought from Broken Bay by a gentleman named Newton. … When Bungaree … fell sick … he was not received into the hospital till an order had been received from the Colonial Secretary.

1842 - North West - view

The lake abounded with fish of all sorts…several points of land which extended into the lake were black with ducks and water fowl; they were in the thousands [with] countless pelicans

1845 - South Coastal - view

teatree bark

1845 - South Coastal - view

kangaroo skins

1845 - South Coastal - view

a garden