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1837 - Central - view

Kissing Point

1837 - West - view

Cowpastures tribe

1837 - Central - view


1837 - West - view

Namoi River

1837 - North Coastal - view

The ( Sydney Gazette , 2 Feb 1837) reported that Bridget Riley an Aboriginal native arrayed in a robe of spotless white, which contrasted strongly with her skin, was charged with having suffered from the influence of ‘bool’: she stated that she sat down [lived] at Broken Bay, to which place she was ordered to betake herself with all speed, and not be again seen drunk in the streets of Sydney.

1839 - West - view


1839 - South Coastal - view


1840 - West - view


1840 - West - view


1840 - West - view


1840 - West - view

South Creek

1841 - North West - view


1841 - North West - view


1841 - North West - view

Sackville Reach

1841 - North West - view


1841 - North West - view

Threlkeld’s mission

1845 - South Coastal - view

Cook’s River

1845 - South Coastal - view

Botany Bay

1845 - South Coastal - view


1845 - South Coastal - view

Five Islands