Topics: Sites: Paths/waterways
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1830s - North Coastal - view
the 1900s Koories travel by foot from Burns Bay, Narrabeen and Manly via the
Field of Mars camp to Cowan Creek camp.
1830 - North West - view
Narrone Creek
1830 - North West - view
upper Colo catchment
1830 - North West - view
1831 - South West - view
Cabramatta Creek
1831 - North West - view
Wollombi Brook
1831 - North West - view
Yengo is criss-crossed with Aboriginal routes
1831 - North West - view
Old Great North Road is an Aboriginal travelling route
1833 - North West - view
Marra Marra Creek
1834 - North West - view
Colo River
1835 - North West - view
Sydney Harbour
1836 - North Coastal - view
Bowen returned to find his country much
altered with traditional coastal fishing grounds blocked off to them and
borders from farms and roads.
1839 - North West - view
Lake Macquarie
1839 - North West - view
Hunter River via Green Hill
1839 - North West - view
Hunter River