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1788 - North West - view


1788 - Central - view

Brickfield Hill

1789 - Central - view

Oxford Street

1789 - Central - view


1789 - North West - view


1789 - Central - view

Botany Bay

1789 - Central - view

north of the harbour

1789 - North West - view

Botany Bay

1789 - Central - view

Manly beach.

1789 - North West - view

Hunter Valley

1789 - Central - view

Kissing Point and Parramatta

1789 - North West - view

Broken Bay

1789 - North Coastal - view

Capture of Arabanoo, a Kayeemaigal man, at Manly Cove, and on Governor Phillip’s orders. The boats proceeded to Manly Cove, where several Indians were seen standing on the beach, who were enticed by courteous behavior and a few presents to enter into conversation. A proper opportunity being presented, our people rushed in among them, and seized two men. The rest fled, but the cries of the captives soon brought them back, with many others to their rescue … only one of them was secured; the other effected his escape … an attack from the shore instantly commenced.

1789 - Central - view

Oxford Street,

1789 - West - view

Richmond Windsor

1789 - North West - view


1789 - Central - view

Sydney Cove

1789 - West - view

Richmond Hill

1789 - North West - view

Richmond Hill

1789 - Central - view

Botany Bay