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1895 - North West - view
Sackville Reach reserve
1895 - North West - view
1895 - South West - view
1895 - South West - view
1896 - North West - view
1896 - North West - view
Sackville Reserves
1896 - North West - view
1896 - North West - view
1896 - South West - view
Kanimbla Valley
1897 - North West - view
Robert’s Creek
1897 - South West - view
Wallaby Increase Rock in the Bindook Highlands
1897 - North West - view
Portland Head Rock
1897 - North Coastal - view
At a meeting of Manly
Council on 10 June 1899, reference made to the naming of what has become known
as Little Manly Point. Alderman Charles Tucker states that a letter from George
Thornton, Chairman of the Aborigines Protection Board, suggested that this
point of land should retain the original name by which it was known to the
local tribe. This tribe was the remnant of a former large tribe, and its
members regarded this point of land, on which were their “gibbah gunyahs”, as
their living area. They knew it as ‘Kihimatta’, which in their local dialect
meant a “sign of sleeping places”.
1897 - South West - view
Burragorang Valley
1897 - North West - view