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1832 - West - view

Randwick Home for destitute Children

1832 - North West - view

Black Town road camp

1832 - West - view

Freeman’s Reach

1832 - North West - view

Freeman’s reach

1832 - West - view

Sackville Aboriginal Reserve

1832 - West - view


1832 - Central - view


1832 - Central - view

Bumborah Point

1832 - South Coastal - view


1832 - South West - view

Heber Chapel, Narellan (Cobbitty)

1832 - South Coastal - view

Bumborah Point

1832 - South West - view


1833 - Central - view

Lavender Bay

1833 - North Coastal - view

Mrs Felton Mathew, on a visit to Marramarra Creek with her surveyor husband on 3 rd August writes “then appeared a miserable hut of rough logs covered with bark, from whence issued a number of dogs barking … and then the inhabitants; two old men and a woman with child in her arms … These dreary solitudes might serve for the abode of a misanthrope so utterly are they secluded from all approach and so entirely destitute of all comfort” .

1833 - Central - view


1833 - North Coastal - view

Despite the negative report about the Lewis family, the photograph of them on Marramarra Creek (probably taken at the mouth of Marramarra Creek at the home of Thomas Lewis some years later), reveals a well clothed and happy-looking large family.

1833 - Central - view


1833 - North West - view

“Sackville Reserve”

1833 - Central - view

Balls Head

1833 - North West - view
