Topics: Sites
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1867 - North West - view
Pier Hotel, Manly
1867 - North West - view
Melbourne Cricket Ground
1867 - South West - view
Ramahyuck mission
1867 - North West - view
1867 - South West - view
Lake Wellington
1867 - North West - view
1868 - North West - view
Church of England Cemetery Sackville
1868 - North Coastal - view
Noraville, Brisbane Water
1868 - North Coastal - view
Corroborees held at Manly on the site
of several churches above Careening Cove.
1869 - South Coastal - view
Picnic Point.
1869 - North West - view
1869 - South West - view
Burragorang Valley
1870s - North Coastal - view
Manly carrier RJ Wild claims to have witnessed the last Aboriginal corroboree in Manly
held on vacant land near St Matthew’s Church on the Corso in the late 1870s.
1870 - North West - view
Hawkesbury River
1870 - South West - view
Wollondilly River
1870 - North West - view
Uralla cemetery