Topics: Culture: West

Topic tags allow you to gather information from different pages on a particular topic. The first page, which appears when you click on the topic tag, shows relevant information from all place pages. The list of places will also appear on the right-hand side menu. You can display topic tags related to the particular place by clicking on the place name.

1776 - view

silcrete stone tool

1776 - view

Dreaming hero, Garangatch the giant eel

1776 - view

tool sites

1776 - view

habitation sites

1788 - view


1791 - view

Koradji (special or clever men and women who had great cultural and spiritual knowledge and skill)

1802 - view

religious terror

1802 - view

evil spirit

1802 - view

group hunting

1802 - view

hunt the kangaroo

1805 - view

punishment trial

1811 - view

nulla nulla

1814 - view

annual feast

1815 - view

Aboriginal rule

1823 - view

punishment for his transgressions

1824 - view

Great Gathering

1835 - view

annual feasts

1836 - view


1836 - view

throwing-stick [woomera]

1845 - view

Aboriginal canoes