Topics: Culture

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the story of Mirragan, the hunter who chased Gurangatch, the big eel thus creating much the landscape around Sydney. Gurangatch was finally caught at Gulguer, Bents Basin .

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Sharon Hodgetts , project officer at Darkinjung Land Council, shares her experiences of growing up on an isolated property at Gulgong, and the stone axes she and her father found that connect her to her Aboriginality

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Aboriginal names used to be used for the fish and octopus

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the importance of educating non-Aboriginal (and young Aboriginal people) on the significance of Aboriginal cultural sites

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under the water are Aboriginal rock paintings and carvings. Uncle Greg feels that “this land is a powerful spiritual place” and wrong-doers will be punished eventually

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the many Aboriginal art sites around the Southern Sydney area , many of which she grew up knowing about.

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Gavi Duncan , youth worker at Youth Connections and a director on Darkinjung Land Council, describes the young people who are born in this area as New Darkinjung Mob

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young people know the importance of the land, but they don’t practise it much

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many Aboriginal sites around the Bardens Creek area were not being well cared for by National Parks and Wildlife – trail bikes had destroyed bush and some sites, houses built too near – so in 1985 she mapped all the sites and put in a blanket land claim for them.

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heritage preservation work through NSW National Parks and with miners

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One of her roles is to take Jawun secondees out bush and introduce them to culture and country

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The Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs was established to give opportunities to Sydney Aboriginal people: housing and employment, but also a place to meet and develop their own ideas. This led to the purchase of a building on George St in 1964 where they had an art shop, ran dances and concerts and acted as an action planning centre.

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Stonecutter’s Ridge , a large Aboriginal site where silcrete was mined and traded since long before white settlement. He also explains how stone tools were made and the uses of different kinds of stone. Uncle Gordon is also in charge of a local reburial.

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some of the other men could speak and understand some language

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feeling drawn to Mt Yengo , then discovering that it was a major east coast ceremonial gathering place. “That’s why I feel it; it’s been passed down through my DNA

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Auntie Pat also asked local people what they wanted her to take back to Sydney: "Ningla-ana: I am hungry for my mother (ie. land)”. This became a slogan for the early land rights movement.

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how spirits visited at her grandmother’s house and the one that escorted her mother: “just looking after” her.

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The Duck River Basin in the Silverwater area used to be a meeting place for trade.

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He wants to see Darug people in charge of Darug land

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Redfern Oval on Saturday nights used to be a big meeting place, recalls Uncle Allan Madden . Sometimes people were “charged up” and it was also the place where planning for many of the big organisations was discussed: the Aboriginal Medical Service and Legal Service. The Palms Milk Bar , just up the road, was another gathering place. Related videos: You don't have to be a pisshead to be Aboriginal