South Creek people
West - 1835

Backhouse: on the ‘South Creek Natives’: [The ‘South Creek’] people live on Charles Marsden’s property ‘Mamre’, often staying at the junction of South Creek and Eastern Creek. ‘In comparison with some other tribes, the South Creek Natives may be considered as half-domesticated, and they often assist in the agricultural operations of the settlers.”

He continues: ‘A few of the Natives...were, at one time, located upon a piece of the worst land in this part of the country, at a place, called Black Town. Here some of them raised grain, in spite of the sterility of the soil, at a time when they were unable to dispose of it.’ (Quoted, M. Martin, On Darug Land. An Aboriginal Perspective, 1988, p.80)

  • Samuel Marsden's house Mamre, his son Charles allowed Koories to camp nearby