Topics: Events

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1890 - North West - view

“ Weyera , Chief of the Hunter River ” poses for a studio portrait to be captured by well-known Sydney photographer, Charles Kerry

1890 - South Coastal - view

Koories sign a petition

1892 - West - view

donates land for a mission

1892 - North West - view

100 Aborigines trekked to Windsor for their annual gift of blankets

1892 - North West - view

Some huts were erected for the “destitute Aborigines of the Hawkesbury

1893 - West - view

prominent figures in the cricket field

1893 - North West - view

A darkies camp under the red cedar and willow trees by the river is a special feature of Hawkesbury life

1893 - South Coastal - view

a petition to the government

1894 - North West - view

“Scrammy Billy” dies at Paterson on 30 April 1894

1894 - North West - view

During a threat to remove them from their land during 1871, Rev John Shaw protested in local news media against this injustice

1895 - West - view

One of the Sackville Reach reserves is revoked

1895 - North West - view

25 May 1895 Reserves 23957 and 23958 at Sackville Reach are revoked. On the same day land at Wilberforce is set aside for Aborigines to live on

1897 - North West - view

When the Aborigines play for the champion Sackville cricket team, it is said “they had flash”

1897 - North West - view

Death of Joseph Gooburra (Goubra, Goodbra) in hospital

1898 - North West - view

There is a constant movement of Aborigines departing the Windsor district

1898 - North West - view

Police report the death of “the oldest [A]boriginal in the district”, Tommy Cox at the age of 75 (born 1822)

1898 - West - view

death of the oldest Aboriginal in the Hawkesbury

1899 - North West - view

Death of Billy Murphy (King “Yellow Billy”) of Segenoe and Gundy

1899 - North West - view

Australian Light Horse Brigade and serves in the Boer war

1899 - West - view

Boer war