Topics: Events

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2002 - Central - view

major re-education of the mainstream community

2002 - North West - view

Wollotuka offers programs across the University's three major campuses: from access, through undergraduate degrees to postgraduate doctoral programs

2002 - West - view

Murru Mittigah Cultural Centre opens in Penrith

2003 - Central - view

the Aboriginal Medical Centre opens again,

2003 - North West - view

An exhibition “Darkinjung Community: Standing Strong” is held at the Gosford Regional Gallery

2003 - North West - view

This exhibition seeks to revise the mistaken official view of history, which states that Aboriginal people in Broken Bay and the surrounding area are “vanquished tribes”

2003 - North West - view

cultural regeneration activities – including this exhibition – that seek to build an inclusive sense of place

2003 - North West - view

Wollombi Museum , Wollombi Historical Society and Wollombi Progress Association in consultation with local Aboriginal people erects an official memorial to Darkinjung people

2004 - Central - view

Community Justice Group is set up

2004 - North Coastal - view

Guringai Link Aboriginal Corporation is formed.

2005 - North Coastal - view

The Aboriginal Support Group of the Manly Warringah Pittwater region celebrates 25 years of work to support Aboriginal people. Enid McIlraith tells story of beginnings where they worked alongside Koories for the Long March 1988 and the rescue of the Australia Hall (the site of 1938 Day of Mourning Protest), marching for land rights and many other local events.

2005 - North West - view

Inaugural gathering (“Reunion”) of Darkinung Families from the Hawkesbury-Hunter Ranges

2005 - North West - view

a project of Many Rivers - Aboriginal Language Centre under auspices of Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Co-operative, Nambucca Heads

2006 - North Coastal - view

Newport Beach artist, Indigenous man Paul Mc Carthy paints a work to be used for flyers and programs of Guringai Festival.

2006 - South Coastal - view

healing workshops and art classes

2006 - West - view

Darug descendants "just want recognition of who they are and where they come from"

2006 - West - view

University’s commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

2006 - North West - view

Mandurah Hunter Indigenous Business Chamber. Based in Rutherford near Maitland, the Chamber strives to assist Aboriginal People

2006 - North West - view

“St Clair project” to reclaim and recreate their culture and heritage, the Wonnarua community publishes a “salvage grammar and word list” in 2006 and in 2011 commissions the tracing of a family tree beginning with Sarah Waters

2007 - North West - view

An Elders Debutante Ball is organised by Mingaletta Corporation