Topics: Events: Central

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1961 - view

APA (Aboriginals Protection Association) hold a protest at Koori people, not being allowed to drink at his pub

1962 - view

Australian Aboriginal Fellowship

1962 - view

Federal Council for the Advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

1962 - view

Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs

1962 - view

Federal Council for the Advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

1962 - view

Charles and Eileen can walk into any Greek cafe in the city and receive a free meal

1963 - view

‘The Great Redfern Revolution’ (1963-76)

1964 - view

Student Action for Aborigines, (SAFA) is formed at the University of Sydney

1964 - view

The Federal Council for Aboriginal Affairs becomes the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders (FCAATSI).

1964 - view

Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs

1965 - view

The Freedom Ride, led by Charles Perkins, tours NSW towns known to practise racial discrimination. It departs from the University of Sydney. When the Freedom Ride students return a fortnight later, many Aboriginal people welcome them and their supporters, including Gordon Briscoe, Norma Briscoe, Eileen Perkins, Neville Perkins (Charles’s nephew) and Gary Williams.

1966 - view

We Koories had a football team called the Redfern All Blacks who were sponsored by South Sydney Leagues Club

1967 - view

Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs implement a service that meets young Aboriginal people arriving from the country and help them to find a place to stay and get work quickly

1968 - view

Australian Middleweight, Light Heavyweight, Cruiserweight and Heavyweight title, plus the Commonwealth middleweight and Light Heavyweight titles

1969 - view

a protest against celebrations of Captain Cook’s landing in Botany Bay in 1770

1969 - view

protest against celebrations of Captain Cook’s landing in Botany Bay in 1770.

1970 - view

free breakfasts for children

1970 - view

profits from dances in the Railway Institute in Redfern to support an all-Aboriginal football club

1970 - view

A public meeting is held at Redfern Presbyterian Church to propose an organisation which becomes the Aboriginal Legal Service

1970 - view

A public meeting is held at Redfern Presbyterian Church to propose an organisation which becomes the Aboriginal Legal Service