Topics: Events: North West

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1850 - view

M’Gill , tells the government official in the Lake Macquarie region that “they all cursed the Governor”. At the same time, several Aborigines in the Hunter region demand to know why “the governor does not give [us] blankets to wear in winter, when it is murry cold”

1850 - view

During 1869:“blacks of the [Paterson] district muster in strong force at the Court-house, in hopes of receiving their usual supply of blankets [but]…had to go away disappointed”

1851 - view

We see no Blacks here between Freeman’s Reach and Portland Head

1851 - view

Murphy, Tommy Potts, Martin and King John of the Maitland tribe, and Jemmy and Richard Wiseman of the Sugarloaf tribe are apprehended. The jury returns a verdict of wilful murder against some other Aboriginals unknown

1851 - view

“The Evangelizing of the Aborigines…must be carried on, if at all, in other localities than Windsor…I am not aware that there is a single one left in the parish. A few wander hither, from other places

1851 - view

With discovery of gold 1851, governments and churches largely ignore Aboriginal people for thirty odd years

1853 - view

Wickety Wee and Morris travel to Maitland gaol to stand trial

1853 - view

Morris is sentenced to three years hard labour on the roads

1854 - view

Death of Jackey Jackey

1855 - view

Death of Aboriginal poet Wallati (or Wullati, English spelling “Wollaje”)

1857 - view

King” of the Newcastle tribes dies and is buried close to the Aboriginal camp

1860 - view

They escape on horse back with Fred Britten and become a bush ranging gang in the Stroud area. Mary Ann is supported by her Aboriginal relations. Frederick assumes the title of Captain Thunderbolt

1860 - view

given a breastplate

1861 - view

King Tom of Dunmore, Maitland is captured on film by an unknown studio photographer. He is sitting cross-legged, wearing a breast plate and holding a boomerang

1863 - view

“Yellow Billy” is captured in 1867. At around twenty-five years of age, “Billy” is sentenced to twenty years imprisonment

1866 - view

Mary Ann is charged with being an “an idle and disorderly person and a companion of reputed thieves

1867 - view

Twopenny is the surprise bowling find of the tour. Playing against East Hampshire he secures 9 wickets for 9 runs by his eleventh over. Twopenny also plays against the Marylebone Cricket Club at Lord’s in London

1867 - view

1867 the Maitland Mercury reports on a cricket match between a white Maitland representative team and the Koori cricket team from Victoria

1867 - view

Aboriginal protest in Upper Hunter Valley. Aboriginal people refuse to vacate their camp site on the village reserve in Gundy when settlers choose it as the spot on which to build St Matthews Church

1867 - view

He visits and stays in NSW in 1862 to coach teams in Sydney. In April 1867 he joins an Aboriginal team, which he takes on the first cricket tour to England where they play 47 matches over six months