Topics: Culture

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1993 - Central - view

Aboriginal theatre

1993 - North West - view

It was believed (inland) spoke a different language to that of Port Jackson people

1995 - North West - view

"Aboriginal use of traditional rock painting and engraving sites as a means of cultural revival"

1995 - North West - view

cultural heritage

1996 - West - view

Daruganora: Darug Country, the Place and the People

1996 - North West - view

“Black Mary”

1997 - Central - view

1997 Festival of the Dreaming

1998 - Central - view

Walking Together Aboriginal Mens Program

1998 - North West - view

the right of Indigenous peoples to live according to their own values and cultures

1998 - North West - view

Awabakal language and culture

1998 - North West - view

Aboriginal language, history and culture

1998 - North West - view

Darkinjung story telling and history

1999 - North West - view

It focuses on nurturing the history and culture of the Wonnarua Nation

1999 - North West - view

"Kin Tucka Tiddas"

1999 - North West - view

history and culture of the Wonnarua Nation

2000 - North West - view

Australian Indigenous dance

2000 - North West - view

Darkinung genealogy and country

2000 - South Coastal - view

'Two Women Dreaming'

2000 - Central - view

Yiribana Gallery

2000 - North Coastal - view

Many descendants of Matora, Bungaree and other early Sydney identities discover or reaffirm their connection.