Topics: Culture

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2000 - Central - view

ACB-funded acquisitions

2000 - North Coastal - view

Establishment of the northside Aboriginal Heritage Office responsible for Indigenous material heritage in Lane Cove, North Sydney, Manly, Ku-ring-gai, Pittwater, Warringah, Willoughby and Armidale Dumaresq Councils. David Watts is the Aboriginal Heritage Officer and Kim Foley is Heritage Officer (Community Volunteers).

2000 - Central - view

'Wuganmagulya’ (Farm Cove),

2000 - North West - view

Aboriginal burials in the Swansea area

2000 - North West - view

Australian Indigenous dance

2000 - North West - view

Darkinung genealogy and country

2001 - Central - view

Aboriginal languages and dancing

2001 - Central - view

Redfern All Blacks Rugby League Club

2002 - North West - view

Eagle-hawk totem of the Awabakal

2002 - West - view

Aboriginal Culture.

2002 - North Coastal - view

“A Story to Tell - On a Road Toward Reconciliation” tells story of formation of the Aboriginal Support Group.

2002 - North Coastal - view

Tale of a Whale by Emma Lee tells an Aboriginal story, in association with the Sydney Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council.

2002 - Central - view

urban Aboriginal culture

2002 - Central - view


2003 - North West - view

203 Aboriginal drawings is discovered, some dated at 4,000 years old

2003 - North West - view

As a boy, Alf swims from the point to the Woy Woy side. He would cross by means of native canoe to Riley’s Island, then to Bedlam (Saratoga) where he would feast on fish and opossum with the Aboriginal boys

2003 - North West - view

Darkinjung language

2003 - North West - view

Aboriginal ceremonial sites, some with rock carvings which still exist, are mainly located to the west of Wollombi in the Yengo National Park

2003 - South Coastal - view

the art of boomerang and artefact creation

2004 - North Coastal - view

Bungaree and Matora descendant Warren Whitfield calls his family to recognize their Guringai Heritage through the formation of a corporation.