“They didn’t want us to be black.” At the age of four Robert Kitchener...
Sam Jeffries is from Brewarrina but is in Sydney with The National Congress of...
“We have to create our own destiny and develop our own tools to do it.” Shane Phillips...
Shane Phillips tells how “The Tribal Warrior” became a maritime training...
Uncle Chicka Madden describes his job clearing timber at Warragamba dam for 5...
Uncle Chicka Madden...
Driving around Redfern, Uncle Chicka Madden shows where many of the old...
“Learn our history and learn their history… [otherwise] they’ve got us.” Richard Green...
Auntie Dulcie Flower believes that the local is important, but there are...
“Coming down from the country to the city was a treacherous process,” explains Uncle Gordon Briscoe...