Topics: People: Political leaders

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1801 - West - view

Governor King

1801 - North Coastal - view

10 June, Bungaree sails on the Lady Nelson to the Coal River, Newcastle, in an expedition looking for coal. At the Hunter River, Bungaree joins the Koories and makes his own way southwards to his country on foot.

1801 - Central - view

Governor King

1801 - West - view

Governor King

1801 - West - view

Governor King

1801 - West - view

Governor King

1801 - Central - view

Governor King

1801 - Central - view

Governor King

1801 - North West - view

Governor King

1802 - 1803 - North Coastal - view

Bungaree sets out on 22 July on the Investigator to circumnavigate Australia with Matthew Flinders and another Koorie man Nanbaree, who has been brought up in the settlement by Surgeon White. Bungaree is the first Indigenous man to circumnavigate Australia.

1802 - 1803 - North Coastal - view

Nanbaree returns to Sydney earlier as he is homesick.

1802 - 1803 - North Coastal - view

On his return, Bungaree brings the Broken Bay clan to settle in Port Jackson. He makes camp at Kirribilli.

1802 - West - view

Governor King

1803 - West - view

Governor King

1803 - North West - view

Governor King

1804 - North Coastal - view

Governor King sends Bungaree on the ship Resource to help with negotiations with Awabakal people at Hunter River near Newcastle where the penal settlement has been reopened. Bungaree also is asked by King to escort six Koories from Hunter River back home. Bungaree stays on to assist Lieutenant Menzies, in charge of the Kings Town (Newcastle). Returning by foot to Sydney, runaway convicts attack Bungaree’s clansmen as they pass through the Central Coast area and kill Bungaree’s father. Bungaree becomes an Elder of his clan.

1804 - West - view

Governor King

1804 - North Coastal - view

Bungaree visits his family’s settlement in Sydney more frequently for tribal gatherings and becomes a favourite of Governor Macquarie. The Governor wants Aboriginal people to settle down to grow crops and other sedentary activities. (Historical Monograph, Brisbane Water Historical Society, 1981)

1804 - North West - view

Governor King

1805 - West - view

Governor King