Topics: People: Political leaders

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1822 - North Coastal - view

Bungaree’s clan is sometimes known as the “Pittwater clan”.

1822 - North West - view

Governor Brisbane

1823 - North Coastal - view

Webb is notorious among a branch of Bungaree’s descendants now living on the Central coast, as the man who sexually assaulted Sophie.

1824 - West - view

Governor Thomas Brisbane

1825 - West - view

Governor Sir Thomas Brisbane writes

1825 - North West - view

Governor Macquarie

1826 - North West - view

Governor Ralph Darling

1826 - North West - view

Governor Darling

1827 - North West - view

Governor and Mrs Darling

1828 - North Coastal - view

Bungaree and his Broken Bay clan cross from the North Shore to settle in the Governor’s Domain (the present Sydney Domain).

1828 - North West - view

Governor [Darling]

1829 - North West - view

John Robertson

1829 - North West - view

Governor Darling

1829 - North Coastal - view

Bungaree gives boomerang throwing display in the Domain, Sydney. Now probably in his late fifties, his health is deteriorating.

1829 - North West - view

Sir Ralph Darling

1829 - North West - view

Lord Bathurst

1830s - North Coastal - view

Bungaree’s clan is still living from time to time at Georges Head.

1830 - North West - view

Willoughy Bean

1830 - West - view

His Excellency the Governor

1830 - North West - view

Saxe Bannister