Topics: People: Political leaders

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2009 - North Coastal - view

Susan Moylan-Coombs and Caroline Glass-Pattison, Co-Chairs, Guringai Festival Committee. Susan says: “We hope locals and the wider community enjoy this year’s Guringai Festival and all the events it has to offer across the Northern Sydney region, the traditional homelands of the Guringai people,”

2009 - North Coastal - view

Caroline Glass-Pattison is an Indigenous woman who works as a Community Development Officer at the Benevolent Society. She says “I believe in social justice and linking Aboriginal people to each other.” She works on the Social plan with Susan Moylan Coombs.

2009 - North Coastal - view

Lois Birk gives an acknowledgement of country at the Northern Beaches Annual General Meeting of the Aboriginal education Consultative Group. She says “We acknowledge that we are on Guringai country at Stoney Range Reserve, Dee Why. We will listen to each other. We walk softly and gently and pay homage to Indigenous people of all nations. We respect the spirits of this place”.

2009 - Central - view

Linda Burney

2009 - Central - view

Minister for State Planning

2009 - Central - view

Minister for Community Services

2010 - South West - view

NSW Governor Marie Bashir

2010 - South West - view

Governor Macquarie

2011 - Central - view

Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore

2012 - South Coastal - view

Kevin Rudd