Topics: People: Political leaders

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1845 - South Coastal - view

Boatswain Mahroot

1845 - North Coastal - view

According to correspondence from Howard, Maria and Bowen have a son and two daughters all baptised at St Mary’s Church Sydney.

1880s - North Coastal - view

Marriage of Hannah Matilda Ashby to Henry Stanford Boyd. These descendants of Bungaree have many children including Jean Boyd and Matilda Ellen Boyd.

1880 - North West - view

George Thornton, former MP

1883 - South West - view

Premier Joseph Carruthers

1886 - Central - view

Parliamentary member for Canterbury

1887 - North West - view

Governor Phillip

1891 - Central - view

Governor King

1893 - North West - view

Governor and Lady Jersy

1894 - North West - view

James Hannell

1894 - North West - view

Hungerford MLA

1894 - North West - view

Sir Henry Parkes

1900s - North Coastal - view

Birth of Marie Robinson, daughter of Matilda Ellen, descendants of Bungaree and Matora. Jean Boyd marries Edward Smith. Their children include Reta Smith and Lynette Smith (Robley).

1914 - South West - view

Councillor A.L.Ben

1927 - Central - view


1930 - South Coastal - view

[NSW Premier] Lang

1935 - South Coastal - view

[New South Wales Premier], Jack Lang

1935 - Central - view

King George the Fifth

1938 - North Coastal - view

Indigenous leaders William Cooper, William Ferguson, Jack Patten and Pearl Gibbs declare Australia Day 26 January a “day of mourning”. The Aborigines Progressive Association publishes a manifesto ‘Aborigines Claim Citizen Rights’. Guringai and other Sydney peoples attend the public meetings in the city.

1938 - Central - view

Prime Minister Lyons