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1829 - West - view

tourist trade

1829 - North West - view

Threlkeld is dismissed by the London Missionary Society

1829 - North Coastal - view

15 European households are recorded in the Brisbane Waters district, for the first time outnumbering Koories. Fish are netted in such large quantities that they are fed to pigs. Lobsters, a favourite food for Koories are at first so plentiful that 70 can be caught each night by whites. The habitat for marsupials is cut down by timber getters while kangaroo grass is cut and carried to Sydney for fodder. The Aboriginal land-based traditional foods begin to be severely depleted in the Gosford area. 

1829 - North West - view

General’s crescent-shaped king plate suspended from his neck. Later again it is worn by Larry

1829 - North West - view

Numerous properties start to grow grapes and produce wine

1829 - North West - view

Rev Threlkeld completes his first draft of St Luke’s Gospel translated into the local Aboriginal language

1829 - North West - view

Reward for his assistance in reducing his Native Tongue to a written Language

1830 - South West - view

widespread conflicts

1830 - North West - view

Between 1840 and 1870, settlement is extended into hill country

1830 - South West - view

economic depression

1830 - North West - view

“Justice towards [Aborigines] on our part has never been thought of…English rules…render it exceedingly difficult to cause the law to be put in force against murderers and other heinous wrong-doers towards the natives; and when…conviction has been obtained, the government has sympathized too much with the oppressing class, and too little with the oppressed, to permit justice to have its course. About 1799 several white people committed a murder…near Windsor , on the Hawkesbury , and were convicted

1830 - North West - view

In [1826] a black man was shot in cold blood at the stake by the soldiers upon Hunter’s River

1830 - North West - view

Aboriginal trackers work with the Wollombi police through to the 1930s

1830 - West - view

Annual Conference with the Natives

1830 - North West - view

Chughi must have held some important position in the tribe as Bean designated him “Chief of the Broken Bay, Narara”

1830 - North West - view

Aboriginal people are working in fledgling agricultural and pastoral industries. Many are skilled in the “use of the sickle”

1831 - North West - view

allotments offered for sale

1831 - North West - view

Completion and opening to the public of the Great North Road

1832 - North West - view

76 land grants totalling 22,000 acres for 67 settlers

1832 - North West - view

Death of King Bungaree , Chief of the Broken Bay Tribe