Topics: Events

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1822 - West - view

first officially sanctioned marriage

1822 - North West - view

Missionaries establish a seminary for the instruction of Aboriginal youths

1822 - North West - view

Aborigines live in dread of war with the Kamilaroi , who migrate down the heads of the Hunter

1823 - North West - view

Two of the most promising native youths I have met with, are gone into the eternal world…One was the son of the renowned Ben-il-long

1823 - North West - view

Parramatta Institution, was abandoned and moved to Blacktown

1824 - South Coastal - view

A tribal gathering

1824 - North West - view

Some were condemned to be hanged

1824 - Central - view

‘Great Gathering’

1824 - West - view

In one year in the 1840s, over one hundred infants perish

1824 - West - view

course of tuition and religious instruction

1824 - West - view

Lawry was accused of prostituting the girls at the orphan school

1824 - West - view

pay-back ceremony

1824 - North West - view

“Great Gathering” of tribes

1824 - West - view

fighting tournament

1824 - North West - view

The first grant, containing 1 million acres, was chosen by Mr Dawson, the original agent, in the neighbourhood of Port Stephens

1824 - North West - view

This is when conflict is at its most intense. Although not considered as citizens, they are tried in Colonial courts under British law

1824 - North West - view

Aboriginal men were arrested and sent to Sydney for trial for mainly unstipulated offences. They received sentences including incarceration in Sydney gaols or deportation to Van Diemen’s Land

1825 - North West - view

The blacks assembled to fight, we employed them, and the waging of war was postponed

1825 - North West - view

As the violent frontier pushes many of our mob north, some find Tingha a “safe haven”

1825 - North West - view

I am every way disposed to give all possible facility to your pious endeavours for civilising the poor degraded natives of this country