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1825 - North West - view

As the violent frontier pushes many of our mob north, some find Tingha a “safe haven”

1825 - North West - view

I am every way disposed to give all possible facility to your pious endeavours for civilising the poor degraded natives of this country

1825 - North West - view

The natives appear anxious for our settling out here

1825 - North West - view

Biraban becomes Threlkeld’s principal assistant, and a friendship based on mutual respect and affection develops between the two men

1826 - North West - view

Aboriginal people living in the Hunter Valley and Hawkesbury-Hunter ranges are taking refuge in elevated hinterland areas

1826 - North West - view

Another fringe landform that Aboriginal people occupy is the large swamps and wetlands that are prominent features of some intensely settled areas such as the Paterson Valley

1826 - South Coastal - view

Governor’s Feast

1826 - North West - view

pproximately two years after the “Bathurst Wars”, frontier clashes mount in the Hunter region

1826 - North West - view

Thousands of convicts are employed to build the Great North Road over nearly 10 years

1826 - North West - view

Richard Wiseman establishes an Inn

1826 - North West - view

Conrad Martens produces two paintings of the Hawkesbury River near Wiseman’s Ferry

1826 - North West - view

Aboriginal men kill and spear four men including the overseer, plunder huts and enrage settlers who are already frustrated with Aborigines who burn their grass, spear their cattle and threaten to destroy their wheat harvests

1826 - North West - view

Lowe is charged with the murder of Jacky Jacky. He stands trial in the Supreme Court. After a court case that centres on the legal status of Aboriginal victims

1826 - North West - view

Outrages are committed by Natives in the District of Hunter’s River

1826 - North West - view

Aboriginal men work gathering grapes on Glendon Estate during the nineteenth century

1826 - West - view

remunerated for their day's labour

1826 - West - view

men work upon the settlers’ farms at odd jobs

1827 - North West - view

“The black population is as great, if not greater, than the white which cannot be said of any other place in the Colony – They carry wood and water, and in short are the willing servants of the lowest classes

1827 - North West - view

Hassel in 1897 compiled a book of “Songs by Australian Blacks”

1827 - North West - view

Solomon Wiseman is granted a lease for seven years to operate a ferry to take passengers, livestock and goods across the river