Topics: Government policy: Central

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1932 - view

Communist Party

1932 - view

Unemployed Worker's Union

1935 - view

Aboriginal Representation in Federal Parliament

1935 - view

Recognition of Aboriginal Land Rights

1938 - view

family endowment payments

1938 - view

Parliamentary Representation

1938 - view

reserve lands

1942 - view

Housing Commission

1942 - view

Aboriginal Housing, formerly managed by the Aborigines Welfare Board is amalgamated with the Housing Commission’s housing program

1952 - view

NSW Housing Commission invites families to live in new homes, or for many, former Army hostels

1952 - view

NSW Housing Commission

1958 - view

Australian Constitution

1958 - view


1961 - view

21st Division, later known as the Special Branch

1963 - view

accepts a Housing Commission home

1968 - view

1967 referendum

1968 - view

Labor's policy on Aboriginal affairs

1971 - view

Housing Commission house

1972 - view

Removal of the wording in the NSW Teachers Handbook that allows for discrimination against Aboriginal children

1972 - view

urban land rights in Australia