Topics: Government policy: Central

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1974 - view

government funding

1974 - view

The Aboriginal Education Assistants Training Program begins at the University of Sydney

1974 - view

23 Aboriginal Teachers Aides are appointed by the NSW Department of Education

1974 - view

Aboriginal Teaching Assistants Program

1980 - view

NSW Schools Commission

1980 - view

Schools Commission

1980 - view

Paul Landa, the NSW Legislative Assembly Minister for Education, establishes the Schools Commission

1980 - view

Aboriginal educators

1982 - view

The NSW Education Commission is forced to grant equal pay

1983 - view

NSW Land Rights Act becomes law

1983 - view

Section 51 of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983

1986 - view

NSW Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs

1986 - view

NSW Department of Education and Training

1986 - view

The Sarkissian Report finds that a choice of housing options be developed by the AHC and a major campaign begun to clean up the area including demolition of unsafe buildings

1989 - view

Commonwealth Government announced it is closing the Cockatoo Island dockyards and the island will be sold

1989 - view

Commonwealth Government funding

2002 - view

series of court cases in the NSW Supreme Court

2003 - view

first Koori person to be elected to the Parliament of NSW