Topics: Government policy: West

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moving to Kingswood when he was five to avoid the authorities


Julie Janson reads the letter from The Office of Environment and Heritage permitting damage to the Colebee site


resumed by the Aborigines Welfare Board. Uncle Gordon, among others, is trying to reclaim the site under heritage laws along with the Native Institute site on the Rooty Hill Rd


hearing for the Native Title Claim over Portland Head and how the Land Commissioner, despite the many sites shown to him, decided that the Darug people could not establish ongoing connection to country


precedents had been set which would lead to the rejection of the Darug Land Claim, giving the land councils full power,


Uncle Neil Sainsbury recalls that his paternal grandparents were also removed from the slums of Redfern to Wentworthville


Aboriginal elders from around NSW came together to fight a proposal by the Greiner government, which would have removed services specific to Aboriginal people


four girls who were taken away


Marella Boys Home where he was taken at the age of 4.


Dennis himself was later taken to Minda home when his father became ill and his mother fell behind on the rent. The police came to his school to get him - a regular occurrence for Aboriginal children in Chester Hill North


chose to marry the father of the baby rather than lose her child.


Mulgoa Children’s home , run by the church for the government Welfare Board.


“we had to watch out for the black car that kept coming around” to take Aboriginal children.


evacuation of the half-castes from the half-caste institutions in and around the Northern Territory” during the Second World War


many Aboriginal families were shipped around Sydney


The home was used as a refugee camp for Aboriginal children


Native Title Act


school for Aboriginal children established by Governor Macquarie near Parramatta


map of the Darug Native Title claim area and the area covered by the Indigenous land use agreement


Governor Macquarie giving his forebear a land grant at Blacktown