Topics: Government policy: Central

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many children were being taken away


Aboriginal Welfare Board Act


you had to prove citizenship with “dog tags”


woman who had had seventeen of her children taken


the role of the Aboriginal Protection Board (1883-1940) during the early 1900s, how Aboriginal people fought at war and still lost their children and homes


Vagrancy Act led to persecution of poor people


NSW National Parks Act (with flora and fauna)


received funding from the Commonwealth Department of Health


Native Title claim for Gadigal land


NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act

1838 - view

The Aboriginal Protectorate

1845 - view

parliamentary committee

1856 - view

he fights against racism directed at Aboriginal

1880 - view

The Association for the Protection of Aborigines

1881 - view

Thornton states ‘One of my first anxieties on assuming the duty of Protector was to endeavour to get all the Aborigines away from Sydney and suburbs and back into their own districts

1881 - view

police close in

1882 - view


1883 - view

Aborigines Protection Board

1883 - view

The Government controlled Aborigines Protection Board is established. Chairperson George Thornton continues to want to clear Koori people

1886 - view

Parliamentary member for Canterbury