Topics: Government policy
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West - view
resumed by the Aborigines Welfare Board. Uncle Gordon, among others, is trying to reclaim the site under heritage laws along with the Native Institute site on the Rooty Hill Rd
South West - view
Auntie Frances Bodkin was put in fourteen foster homes and Paramatta Girls Home
1790 - North Coastal - view
A stockade is built at Woodford Bay, Lane Cove, by soldiers to protect
convict grass-cutters and timber-getters from Aboriginal attack. Pemulwuy, a
feared Koori warrior and leader, is said to have led attacks on it.
1798 - North Coastal - view
This sort of war lasted about 12
months at which time an order from England arrived respecting their behalf,
and then the scene was reversed for instead of shooting or killing them
(Aborigines) the orders were given for no one to molest them unless they were
committing some depredation. The cause of the war began about some sheep which
stock-keepers said the natives had speared… they revenged themselves by killing
one of the stock keepers. (Morris 1978)
1799 - North Coastal - view
Aboriginal boys are killed near Windsor
by five Hawkesbury settlers. A court martial finds them guilty but refers
sentencing to the Secretary of State for the Colonies and the men are released
on bail. The court is told that the boys were tortured then murdered as revenge
for the death of Simon Freebody. Many months later, the men are set free
1803 - North Coastal - view
King is able to report “all quiet” on the Hawkesbury in May, though isolated
raids still continue all along the river.
1805 - West - view
orders that the settlers be required to assist each other in repelling visits and if any settler harbours natives he will be prosecuted for a breach of the Public Order
1805 - North Coastal - view
Governor Macquarie gives a government General Order that
The natives in different parts of the
out-settlements have in an unprovoked … manner lately committed the most brutal
murder on some defenseless settlers … the government has judged it necessary
for the preservation of the lives and properties … to distribute detachments
from the NSW Corps. (ie soldiers) (Karskens 2009, ch 13)
1805 - North Coastal - view
people try to defend their land and kill colonists. On 20 July, Judge Advocate
Richard Atkins rules that Aboriginal people “are at present incapable of being
brought before a criminal court, and that the only mode at present when they
deserve it, is to pursue them and inflict such punishment as they merit”.
(Foley 2001)
1805 - South West - view
1810 - South West - view
land grants
1811 - South West - view
Macquarie acknowledges the Indigenous names of several places
1812 - South West - view
Governor Macquarie grants large tracts of land
1814 - North Coastal - view
notes that “some idle and ill disposed Europeans had taken liberties with
(Aboriginal) women, and had also treacherously attacked and killed a woman and
her two children whilst sleeping, and this unprovoked cruelty produced
retaliation whereby persons perfectly innocent of the crime lost their lives”.
( Historical Records of Australia vol
8, pp. 250-251)
1814 - South West - view
General Order
1814 - South West - view
A militia
1814 - South West - view
soldier revenge party